A brief thinky post on the Wiscon situation and disinviting EMoon as GOH

This will be brief and entirely ineloquent because I am sick and cannot brain well. In short, disinviting E Moon as GOH is NOT FUCKING SILENCING HER! Reposting her own … Continue reading A brief thinky post on the Wiscon situation and disinviting EMoon as GOH

My $2.00 worth on White Privilege

After discussions, upon discussions where sometimes I feel like the person I'm talking with genuinely "gets it" and many other times where people just can't/won't/refuse to understand their privilege, I've … Continue reading My $2.00 worth on White Privilege

A note to those who want to claim.. but I didn’t know it was racist!

For the edification of the few dumbasses who still want to claim.. but I didn't know (insert phrase/imagery/well known historical fact) had a racist connotation! Really!!!! Here's some facts for … Continue reading A note to those who want to claim.. but I didn’t know it was racist!